In my bubble

my only fear was judgment, but why fear that, because it's inevitable... this is my bubble of struggles, love, life, hope, and dreams...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


There's so much i need to wrk on,... i need to be better than this, for God's glory and His alone.

This weekend i've learned several things, one of which reminds me never to judge a person for how they are. So many ppl come from dif. backgrounds, and you never know wat they've gone through or is going through in their can only love them for being them. This just reminds me of how much i dont like hearing what others have to say about another person, I prefer to smile and accept them for everything they are. Its not like i haven't said anything about others before, I'm definitely guilty of that, but this is one thing i really hope to change and as I ask God for this change, i know He can transform me from the inside out. I only want to show others a display of God's love in its best fashion. But i know it'll only be a mere glimpse of the real thing. Help me. Change me. Meditate on your words.

Lord help me hold on, and teach me how to Love like you do.

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