In my bubble

my only fear was judgment, but why fear that, because it's inevitable... this is my bubble of struggles, love, life, hope, and dreams...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

You have nooo idea.

recently, i've been struggling with many things that are hard to admit. but i was finally able to find someone i trusted to comfortably talk to and not feel judged to say so, ...which was surprisingly a guy friend.
No, i don't usually share my struggles with the opposite sex, but this time, i really couldn't find myself talking to someone in the same sex about something like this, i don't know why, but the reactions i receive from just telling my girlfriends about even the event of what im struggling with really withholds me from telling the whole story. Guys have a good thing about not judging and gossiping and all that jazz, not to say that all my gf's do, i def. know the ones i can talk to, but guys are dif. in a surprisingly i was able to share with my friend my struggles but seriously, everything fell into place. Weight off my shoulders, and God also revealed that this struggle i'm having is affecting the burden and will God's placed in my heart to start this new ministry for Him. Thank you God for revealing this to me so that i know the actions i need to talk to flee from Satan and strengthen myself in you.

ontop of all this though, i was very encouraged today as i met up with other Christian dancers that i met today, we had a date and all shared our faith and background, just to get to know each other better.. this is good.. really good, :) ALL IS IN YOUR MIGHTY HANDS GOD, AND IM SO EXCITED. keep us strong in your word, strong in faith and let us dance for your glory, God you are good and this might just bee the first toronto dance ministry EVER :)D WOOOOOO WEEEE

Satans attacking me for sure, and i am weak, but God you are stronger, and i have so many ppl praying for me and this ministry that will arise very soon! Thank you for that, and keep me in your will Lord. I can't turn around, help me. <3

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